Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Story of two friends with animal shelter

Friday, November 11, 2011

Gujarat riots: Court convicts 31 for massacre

A graphic for court verdict. 31 jailed for life for
burning alive 33 in a house during Gujarat riots,
42 walk free.

31 jailed for life for burning alive 33 in a house during Gujarat riots

Layout of A fast-track court in Gujarat today jailed 31 riot accused
for burning alive 33 in a house in one of the worst massacres
during the 2002 violence.

Postman running after a thieve

Its an Illustration of postman running after a thieve stealing
his cycle with the postbag.

Illustration of postman running after a thief

It's an Illustrations of a postman who
runs after a thief stealing his by-cycle 
with the postbag and all letters.

It's a info-graphic of A moderate earthquake
in Kashmir Valley, Punjab and Haryana measuring
6 and 5.3 on the Richter scale jolted Gujarat also.