Thursday, July 29, 2010

Illustration of raid on mess-disorder

The anand district was being raid by purvatha department.

Illustration for mess disorder

Illustration of mess disorder in Anand district. In investigation 
raid anand came to be the most misappropriate district. 
Publish in Divya-bhaskar of charotar.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Octopus the winner

Octopus was made for greeting the championship and his achievements

Illustrative octopus for his achievement.

At the eve of fifa final octopus was made for his achievement. 
It was used behind the main title to highlight the netherlan'd champion title.
It was published on 12th july 2010.

Infographic for Rain diverted In India due to western disturbance

Infographic for Rain diverted from bombay to Uttarpradesh 
due to western disturbance and rain in Gujarat was postponed. 

Infographics of Rain in Gujarat's different cities.

Infographics of Rain in Gujarat's different cities.
As 51% of rain in 22% area while 49% in 75%area was noted.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Graphics of Rain fall by 51% in South Gujarat while 49 in others part of Gujarat

Info graphic made for more rain fall in south Gujarat 
compared to other parts of Gujarat.

Illustration made for the khajura kand

Illustration made for the khajura kand for Anand-bhaskar on 8th july 2010

Graphic for a massive cave-in on the road of Ahmedabad

Graphic made for cave-in caused a 25 feet deep crater on the
stretch which caused a furore in Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation.

Graphics on Massive cave-in

Graphics made for the cave-in caused a 25 feet deep crater on the stretch.
 The incident caused a furore in Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Iillustartion made for the students on Pravesh utsav

This illustartion made for the students of school on theoccasion 
of pravesh utsav. Students were given scool bag, uniform, books, 
snaks etc on the ocassion but after netaji(chief guest) left all the things 
were taken back from children and finally school teachers have to give 
them that things from their salary.

Illustration of school playing with childrens and teachers' emotions

This illustartion made for the occasion of pravesh utsav which
were taken back from children and finally school teachers
have to give them that things from their salary.

Illustration of journey of thieves from jail to again to theft

This illustration made for the thieves whose record show
that they all have entered jail twice and then after bail they
started again stealing and looting job.

Students without school stuff have to pass time in any empty classroom

This graphic made for the students of village who were facing 
problems for their schools, as were not provided books, classroom
 and even teachers. So they pass their time like this!!!