Friday, April 23, 2010

InfoGraphic on Lions of Gujarat

Graphic of Gir lions and surrounded areas Of Gujarat on
the ocassion of Lion count declaration on Gujarat Day. 
It is Published on April 2010.

InforGraphic for the Lions of Gujarat

InfoGraphic on Lions in Gujarat on the ocassion of Lion 
count to be declared on Gujarat Day.
Its ben published on 21st April 2010 in Divya Bhsakar Edition.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Infographic for the First Double flyover in Ahmedabad city

Infographic for the First Double flyover in Ahmedabad city

Graphic for the first Double bridge In the Ahmedabad city

Graphic for the first double flyover Bridge in the 
Ahmedabad city with the information of H&W.
It was published on 16th April 2010.

Illustration for story strip

Story strip for the officer taking bribe by ACB with the 
help of modern instrument.

An Illustartion for story strip

Story strip for the officer who was caught taking bribe. 
The ACB took help of modern instrument to caught officer at red handed.
Its been published on 15th April, 2010.

A Story strip

Strip for the story of Bar girls helping Police to loot Guys
passing through the road by abusing them.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

An illustartion for story strip

Illustration made for the Bar girls who looted man with the
help of Police by abusing him . It was printed on 14th April 2010
in Kheda-Anand Edition of Divya Bhaskar.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Effects of Software

The special effects on Black and white Photographs.
First photo has the effect of Photoshop while second has effect of Coreldraw