Monday, August 10, 2009

Safety tips for girls

DGP’s safety tips for girls to keep knife, blade,
cutter or spray for their security.

Swine flu

four swine flu victim in India shocked the people.
Citizens are panicked.

Country made liquor are mixed with Foreign liquor

Country made liquor are mixed with Foreign liquor
to accomplish the demand and to earn more alongside.
Graphics on how it execute.

Cirrhosis disease

Inattentive drunker who consume
country liquor will be trap by cirrhosis
disease within 5 to 15 yrs.

illicit liquor

Graphic of illicit liquor which effected
3000 people in the city. Mixing of
methanol in the country-made liquor
to increase its potency made the brew poisonous.
I had shown, how it effect our body.