Saturday, May 2, 2009

fight scenario

hmmm fight scenario, the story during
the night combing, amid elections,
four innocent youngsters were brutally
beaten up by police near Isckon Circle.


shown the different tempreture of opposite
directions as such for S-W, the temperature
is higher than N-E of the flats in the city, so
N-W side flats are more comfortable in the heat wave.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Commits suicide because of examination fever

'SUICIDE' cases are generally published
with suicide photo or any suicide note but
this was there were the cases of the children
who commits suicide because of examination
tension at the time of board exams.


Signs go with the technology subsequent nano

Politician distrubute gifts to lure voters

'Politicians' at the time of election.
Both the BJP and the Congress distribute
cash and liquor among voters to lure them
to cast their vote in their favour.

mid-night raoming around for theft

This illustration sequence is for the thief who
tried to evade from the people who caught
him at the mid-night raoming around for theft
in the society. he just jumped from one terrace
to another and could not succeed.