Monday, December 15, 2008

War online against terrorism

Hey this is what we call unity this is the time that
we should be alltogather is the messg of this story
that all cyber lovers have open different sites for
war online against terrorism after the 26/11 bombay blast.

Combination of Terrorist with politician

This is a combination of graphic with illustration
and terrorist with politician, how they are ruling
our mind and our country and how we are living
under fear, so common friends this is the time for
action we should shoot them and protect ourself
and our country.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Stock exchange and inflation

As everyone know abt stock exchange and
inflation people are forced to do suicide for
their debt and social problem.


ahh.. work of chandrayaan with sum of texts,
so to highlight it have to merge it.

marriage dates problem

really enjoyed this illustration as it was the
problem of marriage dates..... ya because
pandit, parlours, decoraters etc were worried
as there are only few dates in coming three months
and so they have to sit idle in other days,
while other side groom and bride family were also
worried that they were not getting dates as it was
already booked so situation was littlebit funny

traffic police taking bribe

one of my best illustration based on traffic police
how they collect money from public.

Friday, October 3, 2008

childrens have the most eye problems

This graphic is made for childrens
who have the highest eye problem,
so I have to make in their way.
I think it looks nice, wat u say?


"Hypnotism" what a subject! have to show
things which are related to hypnotism
so just a try, hows that?

For Engineers working without licence

made for Engineer day, just tried to make
something creative which is common for
all based on engineers licence(how many
Engineer have licence)

Friday, September 26, 2008


hah specially for one who are habituated
for d party(including girls) and enjoy
it with smoke and drink and end there
enjoyment in car

abonded women suicide

This one is made for article of suicide,
how womens get frustrated when her
husband abonds her alone and she
choose suicide

horror but funny stories

hey this one is made just for horror stories
which is been in trend now a days, for how
audience react on it, r they really frighten
or they make fun of it, really "xclusive" travail.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Banned on fuming

This illustration was for the banned ciggarates, where each
and every smoking zone was being closed so I thought
I should show ciggarates
talking their own problem,
hows that?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The killer train

This was very touchy graphic as people
walking on railway track on the centre
of the bridge were killed including 3-4 kids
and as shown phographs were very wierd
as only hands, legs, only face were there
so I had to show it in different way with
illustration and real photo.

Terrorist blast over India

This infographic gives the Information
of the Blast all over India, where terrorist
had a camp and where did they mada a blast

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Illustration of confused couple

This is the mixture of photography and
illustration where a couple is confused for
there tour, either to go in south or in north.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Infographic of accident

This is an Infographic of an accident
which shows how and why accident had taken

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Illustration of powerful women

This is an Illustration of a powerful women who can
handle House, Husband, Childrens, all Responsibilities
and her Job alltogather on her own.

Illustration of Chidambaram

This is a caricature of our
Finance minister Mr. chidambaram
at the time of Budget.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Infographic of accident due to change in tempreture

This infographic was made for the accident which occur
due to change in the atmosphere & specially in summer,
how high temperature(hot temperament) can create stress
dehydration etc and finally drag to an accident.


Illustration for the kids who are always on mission
at the time of exams. I had choosed HumTum character
which generally childrens relate themselves with.

satirical illustration of sad people living on bridge

This is my best graphic, can say a humorous & satirical
illustration of the new bridge which invite(create) problems
for the people living in the flats near by bridge. So the people
living somewhat far are happy but situation changes as it
comes nearby bridge.

Graphic on fetus

A sensative graphic based on fetus.

Graphic- highrise building permitted in bopal area